In order for the color to be visually analyzed correctly, the lighting must be correct, with the lamps being the most important element in this process.
The best cost x benefit on the market, for environments that need correct lighting but with variation tolerance.
JustNormlitch Lamps
German lamp manufacturer, has wide range of color temperature and sizes for light booth lighting.
GTI bulbs
Color-controlled lighting fixtures, ideal for environments that don't have a lot of space, but need a place for visual color verification.
Table Booths
Portable lighting canines for checking forms, materials and consumables, with or without backlighting.
Booths for SoftProof
With the booths for applying softproof it is possible to ensure that the customer does not go to production to approve the printed material, reducing the time for correcting and improving the relationship with the customer, or even in printers where there is none. a specific environment for the visual evaluation of printed material.
North American lamp manufacturer, has a wide variety of color temperature and sizes for light booth lighting.