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We are a group of companies dedicated exclusively to the Printing Industry, importing, providing services, selling materials and technology, committed to the development of the printing market, be it Flexible, Cardboard, Textile or Paper, making our customers more competitive.

With operational excellence and suitability in all our processes, our portfolio brings together companies with more than 10 years of experience and respected in their respective sectors.

We managed to add the best, being able to offer a service focused on each segment of the industry  print

Created at the end of 2010, Electronic Printing has always sought to addmore solutions for the printing market, making problem solving, technological evolution or even consulting in production processes to be found in a single place, being one of the most complete companies in the sector.

Sought by developers and manufacturers from several countries around the world, Electronic seeks to represent only the best in the market, directing sales and work efforts towards what we really believe adds value to customers.

We also have ESS, a specific company that provides technical services, where through experienced technicians, we are able to identify, diagnosenosticate and solve the problems ofsu company quickly and accurately, without encumberingwith unnecessary costs and hours of work.

As an Epson CSA, we have quick access to resource parts more quickly and at lower costs.

The vast experience in maintenance of CTP's and equipment of the same segment, means that ESS achieves a quick resolution of problems and the production process is not harmed.

DTS is a company with more than 15 years focused strictly on the textile market, having represented brands such as DUPONT, TOSHIN, INÉDIT among others and establishing itself as one of the most reliable in the sector.

Providing specific technology and consumables, DTS manages to be more assertive than its direct competitors.

We also have Provider, an import and export company, which, through global agreements, manages to make the group's companies more competitive and have the best strategies for supplying technologies and consumables.


Our diversified portfolio allows us to exchange experiences, strategies and best practices between companies.those of the group, where efficiency and integrity base all our actions.

With honesty, transparency and hard work, nWe are on our way to being one of the largest technical and technological support companies in the printing market.

One step at a time, but always aiming at the goal and without losing the essence that brought us here. 



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