Rips for contract proofs must be able to get the most out of the printer, faithfully reproduce the prints and be able to consistently perform the supplementary functions.

GMG ColorProof
GMG Color Proof is considered the best and most reliable color proof in the graphics market, a reference for large print and packaging buyers, brand managers and graphic producers.
It is the bottleneck killer because it already starts printing the pages while processing them in a multipage file. It works with all the color profiles of the market norms and accepts that the user can create customized profiles.
It is excellent for the packaging market because it comes with the Pantone® color library and incorporates its own editor so that the user can create and add new colors by simply reading the customer's sample. It meets the high requirement of mockups and makes the simulations of printing along with GMG Open Color.
It is excellent for the editorial and promotional markets due to its operational speed and objectivity.

GMG DotProof
GMG DotProof creates color-accurate halftone proofs to tighten proof quality
Se forem causados por ângulos de tela desfavoráveis ou configurações incorretas de trapping e impressão sobreposta, muitos Unpleasant print results can only be detected and prevented in time with a halftone proof.
This halftone proof must be created with the original 1-bit imagesetter data. GMG DotProof predicts exactly what will happen during the plate exposure and what will happen on the press. At the same time, screen angles, screen orientation and dot shape are fully preserved. GMG DotProof delivers absolute color accuracy with complete data integrity.

GMG FlexoProof
The product portfolio in flexographic and packaging printing is characterized by a much greater diversity of substrates and spot colors. Consequently, the requirements for a digital proofing system are also higher in the packaging industry. GMG sets quality standards in this field with its GMG FlexoProof software, which is specifically aimed at the needs of the flexo and packaging markets and creates color-accurate halftone proofs. The proof simulates any type of substrate structure and exact colors.